


4 smart ways to manage your projects deliverable with Crowdsourced Testing We live in a decade where sophisticated technologies, innovative ideas, and interesting solutions rule the IT era. Cloud solutions, IoT, mobile technologies, big data, and other exciting technologies are evolving at lightning speeds. The rapid rate at which products are released continuously increases the need for smart work so that it does not hinder the launch of your product. The development and testing teams play a vital role in the software development life cycle. While the development teams are under pressure with respect to meeting the requirements, the testing teams are also under pressure and often in tight spots due to various reasons, which include: A wide range of test cases Testing on multiple devices Cost of acquiring the required devices for testing Time limitations Cost of recruiting expert testers in varied domains Organizations are coming up with various options…

Is managed crowd testing services an efficient way to test your success In this digital era, as more and more start-ups are gaining ground in the country, the dependency on technology is rising and the need for efficient software testing is increasing manifold. However, limited resources, time and budget hinder effective software testing in a start-up and fast-growing software companies and they often tend to neglect it. Often, start-ups and fast growing IT companies fail to realize that software testing can actually reduce the total cost of technology innovation while maintaining or improving the quality output. The fact that testing is a critical factor in ensuring specified software performance and speedy rolling out of software product without threatening the business continuity during the deployment phase, has prompted the software firms to adopt Managed Crowd Testing Services. Managed Crowd Testing service is one of the fast-growing trends in the software testing…

Integrated Automation Testing: A boon to Developers In the fast-paced world today, it is always a daunting task for any company to keep up to the task of continuously maintaining and improving the efficiency of software systems development. However, many times, software testing is completely neglected because of cost and time constraints and this results in multiple errors and problems in the future. Thus, for CIOs, CEOs, and CTOs of start-ups and fast-growing IT companies, testing the software product is a must. But, continuous testing and bug-free reporting is a huge challenge. Traditionally, testing means code testers, unit testers, and developers working in unison to unravel the final code. This sounds fine but the man hours and amount of resources required for doing this task is an issue. Although it may look easy and innocuous at the start, the real test starts when the software renders modifications and gets cumbersome.…

Key challenges in Mobile Application Testing The age of M-Commerce is here and there is no denying the fact that it is here to stay for a foreseeable future. Across the globe, millions of new users are getting the latest smartphones which mean the world of mobile phones is rapidly changing with every passing day. A dynamic market brings with it various challenges and one of the most important of them is to ensure the applications running on these smartphones deliver a fantastic user experience. Millions of new applications are created every day and thousands get phased out, making the job of testing an application even more difficult and challenging. We give you a sneak peek into the various challenges faced in mobile application along with a few mobile application testing techniques. 1. Increasing fragmentation of mobile: This is easily the most challenging part of mobile app testing. The matrix…